motivation Monday quotes
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Why is it that we love new beginnings, but hate Mondays? No matter how dreaded they are, it’s hard to deny that Monday morning is a fresh new beginning every week.

The best we can do is learn to embrace each Monday for the opportunity that it is.

It’s never a great feeling coming back from a weekend or even vacation to a Long week of work or school, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to shift your perspective!

And these 33 quotes about Monday can help you do just that. Look to these happy Monday quotes for your next motivation Monday. Some are funny, some are inspirational, but they are all perfect for Monday mornings.

1. Seize Monday’s Opportunities

“There are many opportunities in every single day, and Monday is the perfect day to seize them all.”

– Isabella Koldras

2. People with A Mission

“Monday is for people with a mission. Those who favor vacations, not weekends.”

– Cristina Imre

3. Make A Change

“You don’t need a New Year to make a change. All you need is a Monday.”

— Unknown

4. Monday Morning Blues

“Monday Morning Blues? Why not change the color of your Monday to yellow and brighten up the coming week?”

– Kanika Saxena

5. When Monday Feels Like Saturday

“You make me feel Monday is Saturday.”
― Avijeet Das

6. Think BIG on Mondays

Think BIG, believe BIG, act BIG, and the results will be BIG because it is Monday, Be pumped up for another week!

– Monday Motivation Quotes For Good Start Of Week

7. Make Mondays Magical

“Mondays don’t have to be terrible; make them magical instead!”

–Kate Hudson

8. A Happy Magnet

“I must break the routines and become a person who becomes productive every Monday. I must break the mindset of unhappiness and turn myself into a happy magnet for Mondays.”

—Leggy Saul

9. Good Things Happen, Even on Mondays

“This should be the spirit every Monday. Know that something good will always happen.”

— Gabriel García Márquez

10. Have A Positive Partnership with Mondays

“So. Monday. We meet again. We will never be friends—but maybe we can move past our mutual enmity toward a more-positive partnership.”

– Julio Alexi Genao

11. May Your Mondays Be Short

“May your coffee be strong and your Mondays be short.”

— Unknown

12. Be a Rebel and Have a Great Day

“Okay, it’s Monday but who said Mondays have to suck? Be a rebel and have a great day anyway.”

— Kimberly Jimenez

13. Even the Best Weeks…

“Even the best weeks start with Monday.”

— Nice Peter

14. New Day, New Week, New Opportunity

“Hey, I know it’s Monday. But it’s also a new day and a new week. And in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.”
– Michael Ely

15. Readjust your Mind

“It’s time to readjust your mind, Monday mornings no longer have to be a dreaded moment in your life.”

–Funké Baffour

16. 52 New Beginnings

“Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!” –

– David Dweck

17. Monday Morning Thoughts

“Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life.”

— Germany Kent

18. Spend Monday Cheerfully

“Mondays are tough only for those people, who don’t know how to spend them cheerfully. Get up and have fun today!”


19. When You Do What You Love, It Doesn’t Matter the Day

“When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn’t matter whether it’s Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions.”

— Edmond Mbiaka

20. Mindful Monday Humans…

“Mindful Monday Humans, May your coffee kick in before reality does.”

― Napz Cherub Pellazo

21. Nature’s Way of Making up for Mondays

“Candy is nature’s way of making up for Mondays.”

— Rebecca Gober

22. Don’t Forget to Be Awesome

“Good Morning Humans…’It’s Monday don’t forget to be awesome, make it a good one”

― Napz Cherub Pellazo

23. Believe on Monday..

“Believe on Monday the way you believe on Sunday.”

— Rita Schiano

24. Wake Up and Be Excited on Monday

“To work for the sheer joy of it, to wake up and be really excited on a Monday, to love what you do so much that the idea of a long vacation looks boring – that’s living.”

― Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom

25. Many Mondays to Go

“There are many Mondays to go before I die. I may as well look forward to them.”

― Trevor Carss

26. Enthusiasm All Week Long

“What starts on Monday should carry through to Friday; that is, enthusiasm.”

— Byron Pulsifer

27. Monday Morning Reminder

“This is your Monday morning reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you.”

— Unknown

28. The Beauty Of Existing Any Day

“Most people hate Mondays because most people do not know the incredible beauty of being simply existed in any day whatsoever!”

― Mehmet Murat ildan

29. Monday is the Yardstick…

“Monday is the yardstick against which all that is unpleasant is measured.”

― Lou Brutus

30. Glorification of Fridays & Weekends

“Honestly, I never really understood the glorification of Fridays & weekends.”

— Unknown

31. Don’t Wait for The Weekend

I don’t want to build a life and career, where I spent five days a week waiting for the weekend. No!

— Unknown

32. Don’t Wish the Weekdays Away

I want to enjoy my life, and don’t wish any weekday away. I want each day to matter to me, in some way, even if it’s a small tiny way.

— Unknown

33. Love Your Life Every Day

I love my life. Everyday. That’s the spirit we should convey all around us.”

― Akilnathan Logeswaran

34. Get a New Perspective

“It’s Monday. Get a new perspective. Whatever obstacle you’re facing—it’s not permanent.”

— Unknown

I hope these Monday quotes are leaving you feeling motivated, happy, and optimistic this Monday.

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